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xआप एक स्वतंत्र और सवाल पूछने वाले मीडिया के हक़दार हैं। हमें आप जैसे पाठक चाहिए। स्वतंत्र और बेबाक मीडिया का समर्थन करें।

Delhi Stands with BHU: Organisation Demand for Swift Action and a Gender-Sensitive Body

Women rights groups , students and civil society members held a protest in Delhi on September 25 against the police repression and official apathy at Banaras Hindu University , Utter Pradesh

On 21st September protests erupted in Banaras Hindu University over the victim shaming by the university administration, of a female student who was molested by three men inside the university premises. After the incident, female students protested against the lack of action and victim blaming by the administration. On September 23, the female protesters who were sitting at the university gate were brutally beaten up by the police. Protesting against the police repression and the ignorant attitude of the administration on September 25, women rights organizations, students and citizens in Delhi came together, in solidarity with BHU. They demanded swift action and a gender-sensitive body which can inquire into the sexual harassment cases and take up task of gender sensitization for members of the University community .

अपने टेलीग्राम ऐप पर जनवादी नज़रिये से ताज़ा ख़बरें, समसामयिक मामलों की चर्चा और विश्लेषण, प्रतिरोध, आंदोलन और अन्य विश्लेषणात्मक वीडियो प्राप्त करें। न्यूज़क्लिक के टेलीग्राम चैनल की सदस्यता लें और हमारी वेबसाइट पर प्रकाशित हर न्यूज़ स्टोरी का रीयल-टाइम अपडेट प्राप्त करें।

टेलीग्राम पर न्यूज़क्लिक को सब्सक्राइब करें
